Garden therapy

As you know, I'm counting down the days to graduation, this being my last semester in the FSU Library and Information Studies MS program.

cherry tomatoes abound

the mint's doing surprisingly well, guess it's all the rain and that hippie shadecloth

the purple basil's so pretty and spicy
...and the garden's looking great. At Angela's stern suggestion, I thinned the eggplant so each plant will have its own distinct chance at life, and managed to take advantage of our glorious week-long rain to replant the thinnings (which look great). You know this was rough for me, because I want them all to live - I have a hard time plucking healthy plants out of the ground.

I also thinned the Seminole pumpkins, which are so danged pretty, and hope they'll thank me by dangling themselves over the edge of the planting box so the chard can continue to bask in the danky sunlight of Central Florida. One beautiful pumpkin will be worth their sprawling.


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