Our systems have detected that you are using a substantial amount of data internationally.
Let it be said that I could have easily added an international data plan to my account before trucking off to Scotland, and paid something like 13¢ instead of the $552.68 I gave freely, but who has time to deal with AT&T's website? It can also be said that a very nice international data representative did give me a call about six days into the eight-day trip to let me know she was going to sign me up for this deal that would save me lots of money — and that it would go into effect that very day. Nice! So, since I assumed the dumb plan was time-sensitive (not in effect for the entire month, not retroactive), when I got home, I canceled it (from the AT&T website — the same site that won't let me add text messaging capability online but will obviously allow me to totally hose my finances in one 35-minute transaction). Woe is me, I had a very large phone bill, but it was worth every Sterling pound to email my boyfriend every night from that sweet little twin-sized Ikea bed.
All-in-all, my introduction to the UK transcends the hurdles I jumped to be there. Despite the pitiful US exchange rate (I still have Scottish pounds in my wallet), that aforementioned phone bill, the horrible grade I earned for the paper I submitted while packing my suitcase, and the giant clusterfuck of a return flight that left me 45 minutes from home, Scotland was swell. Click that photo at the top of this post to see the rest of my pictures, then take a look at Peter's here, and Eileen's here.