...did it

I finally managed to keep a basil plant alive in the hot, hot heat of F L A long enough to make me some of Ayun Halliday's Watermelon with Basil and Feta. You may remember me bitching about having to lay my hands on all three ingreds at the same time, but never did I plan to lose the ding dang recipe book, of all things. I know the Dirty Sugar Cookies cover's got a hand with some sprinkles on it... but all I could find in the same scheme was James Frey's A Million Little Pieces, which I lost interest in reading once it came out that the thing was all made up. Fiction!

So I winged it, much like the lady herself might, were she to find herself in the same predicament. What you see there's some watermelon pieces, a tub of Vigo feta that I rinsed and crumbled up just a little bit, a big handful of the best damned sliced basil this side of Tammy's pit bull, a dribble of olive oil, and some cracked black pepper. Suhweet. Here's a picture of everything once it's mixed up...


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