lemons, hummus, and Okabashi neighbors

Like most of my family members with the exception of Jacob, who seems content with the kind of nourishment poured out of tall boxes, when life hands me lemons, I skin those fuckers and make soup.

chick peas, not available in Smell-O-Vision, unfortunatelyDetails aside, let's just say that after last weekend's events our freezer's stocked and we're well set up in the soup department for a few months or so. Add Tuesday's curried dal and Friday's mushroom barley to the five pounds of tempeh left after Tempeh Film Fest and the gallon of kimchee in our fridge and I think we can probably claim the most unique foodstuffs in our neighborhood. Lucky us! And hey, life, enough with the lemons, okay jerk?
Jeff and Rob at Meg's last Friday
Today's cooking therapy isn't soup, but involves lemons and chick peas, whose deliciousness really screams for Smell-O-Vision, but all y'all are going to have to settle for what you're getting right now, unless you're Schweers and you bike your ass over for some hummus once it's done. (There's one picture for ya from last Friday, Rob... it's a good one!)

Inspired by an awesome Saturday afternoon in Winter Park that included hummus and baba ganoush (and a super-fat turkey bread) at Bosphorous with Laurel, these chick peas are loaded with lemons, garlic, and chilis and are making the whole house smell fabulous. Who needs Xanax?!

Aromato basil seedlingsThe recipe's coming, but first, look at these adorable basils! They have their first true leaves and seem to be digging on today's rain — I think they grew a couple of centimeters this morning and are real troopers despite the damned squirrels that hang (and dig) around the garden. I am thinking about covering the seedlings with rose prunings to keep them out. Yeah, gardens are another thing my family does and I'm trying to suck less at it. I walked around the neighborhood today — in the rain, which was freaking awesome — and noticed some baby bananas and mangoes, and some sort of beautiful purple-flowered trees. It's so cool when neighbors have the same plants... I picture ladies walking cuttings next door in their Okabashis and hanging out for a couple of glasses of wine. Therapy.


8oz dry chick peas
a bunch of garlic, chopped
2 or 3 dry chilis, broken in half
peel of one lemon
juice of half a lemon
1 T salt
a blob of olive oil
water to cover everything by a few inches

Bring all of that to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, covered until the peas are soft. Drain the peas, reserving the stock.

Add the following to the food processor and pulse the dookie out of it until smooth:

the beginnings of hummusa bunch of garlic, coarsely chopped
juice of half a lemon
1 T paprika
1 T ground cumin
2 T or so olive oil
the drained peas
salt, to taste
some of the reserved stock (if you need it)

Dump the hummus into a bowl, top it with some chopped cilantro, more olive oil, and a little bit of paprika. Screw flatbread, get out the spoons.



Peter P said…
I am a lame hummous maker. I have always used the can suckers. But this sounds a trillion times better. I like to put some toasted pine nuts on top or nearby. So I can be beany and nutty.

Your basil looks so lovely too. I want to come to FL for a visit. Brian and I are scheming to figure out how ($) and when (oi).
librose said…
I need to update the basil pics - the plants are getting big and we've been harvesting them already.

Pine nuts would be lovely. I forgot the tahini in this batch of hummus, but it gives it a nice flavor, too.

I want you to come visit! I need you to come visit! I miss you!
Peter P said…
Made it again tonight, but this time I let those suckers cook longer. Last time it was a little grainy. I also added some ground sumac (yummy stuff) and didn't put in any tahini (which I did last time). It came out super tasty.
librose said…
I love sumac, but have never added it to hummus. Of course, I will now. So happy to have converted you to home-cooked garbanzos. <3

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